Hello Barn Buddies!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! I know that my family did. Now with the hustle and bustle behind us, we “horse crazy” folks get to think ahead to spring! I love this time of the year!
I love planning for the New Year and reflecting back on the previous year, and that is exactly what the team at MM Training and Consulting has been doing. Last year was a year of many new beginnings for our barn. We launched two new programs: Jessi Club and Barn Rats.
These programs are for our youth. And as always, at our barn, we combine lessons learned from the horse to help us learn and grow as individuals. Both these programs do that. The Jessi Club is for 10 and under and it is geared to safety, fun, teamwork, good attitude and giving one’s best effort.
The Barn Rat program, for teens, continues to further character development but adds a leadership component. Participants have horsemanship and leadership requirements that will take them through the four levels of the program. They need to know, do, train, and coach others in leadership and horsemanship. This program sets the participants up with an amazing portfolio for college and/or an employer some day.
We also made a big dent in an expansion of B2 (B squared) Trail. If anyone doesn’t remember what B2 stands for, it’s “Bad Betty.” My mom is the instigator of this project. We plan to keep improving on what we started in 2012 and can’t wait for current and new friends to come and join us. We have some exciting ideas for this new course!
We continued our annual clinics last year but added some day camps (1, 2 and 3 days). We loved these camps because we were able to customize them to specific needs of each group. Please contact us early this spring if you or your children are interested in one of these day camps, and we can chat about all we have to offer.
Miss Jory Chittenden won our annual Versatility Buckle Award in 2012. Jory did an amazing job. She has worked hard at improving her skills, and it all finally came together for her! Congratulations Jory! Stay tuned for more information, including an interview with Jory and photo of the 2013 buckle.
Davalee and I will continue with our new focus of Horse-Human Connections (HHConn). This focus really isn’t new for us or for those closest to us, but it will be for our clients. We have learned so much about life because of the relationships we have had with horses. We learned tips on parenting, marriage, leadership, our relationship with ourselves, and most importantly our relationship with God. We find these correlations between horse and human relationships fascinating, and we are eager to share them with others. You will find our new blog on all these lessons we’ve learned from our horses on our website. And look for new and exciting opportunities this year in our HHConn program.
The horse can be the best book you’ve ever read on self improvement. Horses don’t lie and can be a mirror and a catalyst for becoming our best self. If you want to become a better leader, parent, spouse or employee contact us for a customized lesson or workshop for yourself, your group, or your family.
In closing, we are so grateful for you, our clients (friends) that use us for your horse training and instructing needs. We thoroughly enjoy the reciprocal flow of knowledge and positive energy that we have with our clients. You all are so much fun! We so look forward to meeting your needs in 2013! Please contact us soon if you or your children want to get involved in our programs, clinics and/or lessons.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
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